L’Etoile Guest House

Mowbray Park Old England Domain

Mowbray Park Domaine de l'ancienne Angleterre澳大利亚南威尔士莫布雷公园农庄和法莫布雷公园,古老的英式农庄Моубрей Парк Поместье древней Англии
Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia

Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 1My first golfing experience was with Terry and his friend John, following a serene one-hour horse ride around the estate. They were both incredibly kind and patient as I was introduced to the game. I found golf to be a good fit for me, and with a few technical tips from Terry Digger, I managed to complete a par 3 in just 6 strokes - not bad for a beginner! We shared a lot of laughs and had a fantastic time together. Over a round of “black” and “gold” beers, our conversation shifted to business and geopolitics, highlighting the stark differences between our countries - 20 million inhabitants spread across an area one and a half times the size of Europe in their case, and 65 million in France.

Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 2Terry, a lover of wide open spaces and tranquility, shared that his town’s hospital was struggling to find a nurse. He also mentioned a planned highway connecting Perth WA, Alice Spring NT, and Sydney NSW that couldn’t be built due to insufficient tax revenue. Despite these challenges, both Terry and John were sharp and energetic. Terry, a 42-year-old bachelor with a top-of-the-range Land Rover, had a youthful, baron-like style. A true ladies’ man, he seemed more interested in traveling and finding ways to make more time for himself. John, on the other hand, worked in finance. He was an engaging and interesting individual with a great sense of humor that always lightened the mood. A father of seven and husband to a beautiful woman named Lisa, John had a laid-back approach to life.

Mowbray Park, where we spent our day, is a sprawling estate reminiscent of an English-style abbey village. Constructed of brick and painted white, it exudes a certain charm. The estate employs fifteen people, including housekeepers, a gardener, a cook, waitresses, a secretary, and guides or animators. It was a day well spent in good company and a beautiful setting.

Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 3This evening, we’re expecting 60 Japanese students along with their teachers to spend a few days at the estate. They’ll be horse riding and engaging with a local school. Terry, my host, speaks highly of the Japanese. He admires their intelligence and their eagerness to learn from others. The cultural ties between Japan and Australia are strong, with Japanese being the second most spoken language here.

Our cook, Abraham, is a Dutchman with a robust figure and a penchant for wearing fitting trousers. He’s fluent in Dutch but seems reluctant to use it. My attempts to engage him in Flemish, a language from my childhood, don’t seem to resonate with him. We enjoy a hearty breakfast in a cozy refectory, but the presence of the estate’s owner is noticeably absent. He’s a discreet man who resides a few miles away.

The leisurely horse ride from earlier seems a distant memory as we embark on a more exhilarating “ride” with Terry and his girlfriend Jane. Jane is an accomplished rider who moved from Boston last June to work here and fell under the spell of Terry’s charm. As she speaks of her home region, New England, (where I once had an exchange with Doris Clark, the owner of “Twin Oaks Inn”, a B&B in Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts), her nostalgia is palpable. She misses her city and its quaint, European-style streets.

Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 4As Jane’s horse breaks into a gallop, mine follows suit, seemingly eager to stretch its legs. I find myself thrilled yet slightly apprehensive, feeling akin to the legendary riders who once traversed the USA delivering mail. My last horseback adventure was during a visit to Eugene Green, the owner of “Green Acres Ranch” in Royse City, Texas. He had graciously given me his blessing to ride one of his finest horses.

I manage to keep pace with Jane, my horse showing its mettle. It’s a trotter by nature, but it manages a gallop. Terry, ever the philosopher, trails us at a leisurely pace. His “Out Back” style hat suits him perfectly, and he truly seems to be the master of this domain.


G'Day Philippe,
Had the experience of a lifetime, it was great to see you again, loved staying at your place it has such a good atmosphere, you were right I could have stayed there much longer, the mountains, villages and people were just amazing.
Enjoy your trip and I can not thank you enough for your hospitality.
Cheers to you ! Terry Digger

Mowbray Park Farmstay, Terry Digger, Picton, NSW, Australia - Map Mowbray Park A Domain of ancient english farm

Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 5Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 6Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 7
Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 8Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 9Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 10Exchange with Mowbray Park Farmstay, Picton, NSW, Australia 11



L'Etoile Guesthouse

Old romantic Hotel, L'Etoile Guest-House is a mountain retreat in the South of France. With a beautiful park along the Allier River, L'Etoile Guesthouse is located in La Bastide-Puylaurent between Lozere, Ardeche and Cevennes. Many hiking trails like GR®7, GR®70 Stevenson trail, GR®72, GR®700 Regordane way, Cevenol, GR®470 Allier river, Margeride. Many hiking loops. The right place to relax.
